Dylan's BI Study Notes

My notes about Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, OLAP, and Master Data Management

Use Bit to represent groups

Posted by Dylan Wan on October 11, 2017

Here I am providing an alternate approach of supporting group membership in MySQL.

It is a common seen requirement that a group may have multiple members and a person may be added to multiple groups.  This many to many relationship is typically modeled in an intersection table.

When the group membership is being used as a filter, for example, to show all the students within a group, it becomes a subquery.


If the number of groups is fixed and not beyond certain number, such as 64, actually, the group can be represented as bit in a bitmap and the check can be done using bit operator.

We first assume that groups are stored in a group table and we assign a bit to each group in a bitmap:

create table dw_groups as
select group_name, c from 
(select "group1" group_name, POW(2,0) c
select "group2", POW(2,1)
select "group3", POW(2,2)
select "group4", POW(2,3)
select "group5", POW(2,4)
select "group6", POW(2,5)
select "group36", POW(2,35)
select "group37", POW(2,36)
select "group38", POW(2,37)
select "group39", POW(2,38)
select "group40", POW(2,39)
) x;

I use the POWER function above.  It is equivalent to using a bit literal.

SELECT CAST(b'0000000000000000000000000000000000000001' AS UNSIGNED);

This is POWER(2,0).  POWER(2,39) is equal to:

SELECT CAST(b'1000000000000000000000000000000000000000' AS UNSIGNED);
-- 549755813888

We can also double check using this:

select bin(549755813888);


Student Group Membership

We can still create an intersection table:

create table dw_student_memberships
( student_id bigint(20)
, group_name varchar(7)

Add the student 1 to three groups:

insert into dw_student_memberships values (1, "group38");
insert into dw_student_memberships values (1, "group22");
insert into dw_student_memberships values (1, "group17");


Students and the flattened list

Assume that the student table also holds the list of groups that a student is a member of.  The group membership can also be represented in a bitmap:

create table dw_students
( student_id bigint(20)
, groups double

Here BIT_OR is an aggregate function.  It basically add the assigned group bitmap together to have a single bitmap to represent the memberships.

insert into dw_students (student_id, groups)
select student_id, bit_or(g.c)
from dw_student_memberships sm
inner join dw_groups g
on sm.group_name = g.group_name
group by student_id;


Check if a Student is in a group

& is the operator for “Bitwise AND”.

It can be used to get the overlapped members between two list or check if a group is a member of the list.

select s.student_id, g.group_name
from dw_students s
inner join dw_groups g
on s.groups & c;

Since three groups are in the membership column “groups”, the SQL will return three rows based on the intersection table we populated.



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